Tiny Talkers Academy
Let’s get your child talking!
Learn simple and effective speech therapy strategies that you can apply during your daily routines to get your toddler talking!
“What can I do to get my child talking?”
Are you exhausted from talking to your toddler all day long in an effort to get them to say a new word?
Are you constantly comparing how much your child talks to other children?
Do you feel like it's your fault?
Are you stuck on a very long speech therapy waiting list?
Are you overwhelmed with your child’s frustrations and temper tantrums because they can’t express themselves?
Do you want to stop worrying and stressing about your toddler’s communication skills?
Are you tired of Googling for answers and ways to help your child?
If this sounds like you, you're in the right place!
Imagine knowing the exact strategies speech therapists use to get little ones talking...
I’ll teach you powerful evidence-based speech therapy strategies that…
- can be applied during your daily routines. No more feeling like you have to talk all day long! Quality over Quantity!
- will help you increase your toddler’s vocabulary!
- will help your child go from cooing to babbling and gestures to words to sentences!
Hi, I’m Brenda!
The creator of Tiny Talkers Academy! I can confidently say that the strategies I teach in my online course are incredibly effective! I’ve used these strategies to help many children, including my own, to communicate!
Before becoming an SLP, I used to drill my oldest daughter with flashcards to learn and say new words. I felt like I had to talk to her ALL DAY LONG to work on her communication skills. It was exhausting and so BORING for a toddler who didn’t care for flashcards!
After becoming an SLP I had 3 more daughters. I began implementing the strategies I teach in this course when I was interacting with them and was blown away by the results. By the age of 2, my kids were using 6 word sentences to communicate.
I also implemented these strategies in my therapy sessions and taught parents these same strategies and saw huge success! The key was coaching parents so they would implement these strategies even when I was not there!
This success was what led to the creation of Tiny Talkers Speech! I created this course to teach parents these exact strategies to help their children meet their communication milestones and have strong communication skills.
What parents are saying...
In Tiny Talkers Academy you will learn:
- How to help your child understand more words
- How to get them from cooing to babbling to saying words and then sentences
- How to get your child to use gestures and turn those gestures into words
- How to talk and listen to your child (Quality language > Quantity)
- How to create opportunities for your child to communicate
- How to help your child imitate new words and then use them on their own
- What type of words to model to help your child begin to combine words
- How to take advantage of daily routines to teach your child to talk
- How to help your child become a skilled communicator
Tiny Talkers Academy includes:
- Research based strategies I use as a speech pathologist and mom to help children from birth until they are speaking in full sentences
- 22 Short and easy lessons that you can watch at your own pace from anywhere
- Easy tips for busy parents that you can apply during your everyday routines
- A list of first words you should be focusing on
- Printable PDF’s to reference what you have learned in each lesson and more examples on how to apply each strategy
- Real life examples of me using each strategy with children so you know exactly how to apply each strategy
- Lifetime access to the course
- Access to a private Facebook group for additional support
Tiny Talkers Academy is for you if...
- you're a parent of a baby or toddler who is having difficulty meeting their communication milestones and you want to help them communicate.
- you are a parent of a baby/toddler who is meeting their communication milestones and you wish to continue supporting their development and help them become amazing communicators!
- you’re a grandparent, therapist, or any individual or professional who interacts with babies or toddlers and want to be able to in a way that promotes language and communication skills.
- your child attends speech therapy or you’re on a waiting list for speech therapy.
- your primary language is not English. These tips are not language specific and can be applied to any language.